August 29, 2009

Electricity Blues

Well it's the heat of summer, and your electric bills are climbing...or are they? Year after year I would cringe at the thought of paying summer electric bills, so this year I fought back! It's amazing how the slightest changes can save you so much money. Here are just a few easy ways to save bucks on your bills.

Climate control - Programmable thermostats can reduce energy wasted cooling a house when no one is home or everyone's asleep. Programmable thermostats can save as much as 20% to 30% on your cooling costs by allowing for multiple daily settings and automatically adjusting when the outside temperature changes. If you turn the thermostat up just two degrees, you’ll save about 4% on your energy bill!

Compact fluorescent lamps - CFL's use up to 75% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last up to 10 times longer. This is good, because they're also more expensive initially. Start by replacing those everyday used areas.

Water heater temp - Not only can you adjust the temperature on your thermostat, you can also lower the temperature of the hot water heater. Many water heaters actually heat water too high so that it has to be balanced with cold water for comfortable bath and shower temperatures. This is wasteful. Lowering the temperature below 140° F or even just a couple of degrees can mean big savings. Also be sure to invest in a hot water jacket to help insulate your hot water heater. You can purchase a hot water jacket for around $10-15 at your local hardware store.

Seal the cracks - A little DIY draft-proofing works wonders. How? Close all your windows and doors, and light a candle or a stick of incense. Wander around your place, taking note of where the smoke drifts. These are your problem areas. For doorways, a simple door sweep should do the trick. Caulk and weather-strip problem areas around doors and windows. Windows can account for 10 to 20 percent of your heating and air conditioning bill due to air leaks.

Block the sun - Close your curtains and shades during the hottest part of the day and when you are not home. Beaming sunlight can cause your air conditioner to run when not needed.

Turn off lights and tv when not in a room - I don't think this one needs an explanation!

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